Log files

User logs

Cover Plugin creates and maintains a user log file, user.log, in the following locations:

Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\diffblue\log

Linux: /tmp/diffblue/log

macOS: $TMPDIR/diffblue/log

Support logs

Cover Plugin also creates a support.log log file, in the same directory, which is only relevant to the Diffblue support team. If you raise a support issue then you may be asked to provide this log file.

Accessing logs

Cover Plugin provides simple access to logs via the Diffblue Cover tool window. After writing tests, simply look for the Open Logs button and select your desired action.

  • Open user log: Opens the diffblue user log - for this specific run - within IntelliJ IDEA.

  • Open support log: Opens the diffblue support log - for this specific run - within IntelliJ IDEA.

  • Open logs folder: Opens the folder containing all diffblue logs within Windows Explorer, Finder or equivalent.

Last updated