
Activate a license

Follow these steps to activate a license. Note that:

  • Cover Plugin Community Edition is free to use but does require product verification to activate your perpetual license.

  • These steps cover online license activation only.

  • Offline licensing for Cover CLI is available for Diffblue Cover Enterprise Edition only - see Editions and Offline license activation.

Once you install Cover Plugin for IntelliJ, you'll be prompted for your license key to activate the plugin (or go to Diffblue > Activate License in IntelliJ at any time).

Diffblue Cover requires a remote license check with the Diffblue licensing server each time it's used. For help troubleshooting license keys, network connections, and proxy server settings, see Online license activation.

To check your current license details, go to Diffblue > View License Information in IntelliJ.

Online & Offline

Online license activation

Diffblue Cover requires a remote license check with the Diffblue licensing server each time it's used. To perform the license check Diffblue Cover needs an active internet connection to the following servers:



The license check uses this connection to identify individual devices. Further details regarding the exact data exchanged are available in the Privacy Notice.

For more details, including troubleshooting, see the main Online license activation topic.

Offline license activation

Diffblue Cover Enterprise Edition users with the offline option can activate 100% offline. This means Diffblue Cover can be used in secure and air-gapped environments with no external network connection required.

For more details, including troubleshooting, see the main Offline license activation topic.


Diffblue Cover is licensed according to the three pricing plans which determine what features and limits apply to your use of Diffblue Cover.

  • Designed for individual developers

  • Designed for smaller projects

  • Designed for any application

  • Single user license

  • 10 user licenses

  • Additional license blocks available

  • 50 user licenses

  • Additional license blocks available

  • Write up to 50 tests per month

  • Write unlimited tests for up to 200,000 lines of code

  • Additional LOC blocks available

  • Write unlimited tests for up to 750,000 lines of code

  • Additional LOC blocks available

  • Cover Plugin for IntelliJ - write tests for methods and classes

  • Cover Plugin for IntelliJ - write tests for methods, classes, and packages

  • Cover CLI - write tests for entire projects

  • Cover Pipeline - automated CI/CD pipeline integration

  • Cover Reports - advanced test analytics dashboard

  • Cover Plugin for IntelliJ - write tests for methods, classes, and packages

  • Cover CLI - write tests for entire projects

  • Cover Pipeline - automated CI/CD pipeline integration

  • Cover Reports - advanced test analytics dashboard

  • Cover Optimize - test execution optimization

  • Cover Refactor - automatic code optimization for testability

Diffblue license manager

According to the terms of your subscription, you may be given access to the Diffblue License Management Portal allowing you to see license use, manage license keys, and license users. License manager access is granted according to the exact license type purchased - it may not be applicable to your license type.

Last updated